
The certification model is a robust, common sense, practical and cost-effective approach and allows Icelandic fisheries to meet the FAO criteria for credible certification. This programme also utilizes a certifier who is accredited to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) by an International Accreditation Forum member. The programme has received a recognition by Global Seafood Sustainable Initiative (GSSI). The result is a model that is practical, verifiable, transparent and incorporates the criteria and procedures outlined in the FAO Code and Guidelines.

The Programme

The Programme

The certification programme allows Icelandic fisheries to meet the FAO criteria for credible certification.

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Chain of Custody Certification

Chain of Custody Certification

Assurance that products originate from a Responsible Fisheries Management certified fishery.

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Certified fisheries

Certified fisheries

Four fisheries have been certified to the Iceland RFM certification programme.

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