Global Trust - an NSF company is the approved certification body for the Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management (IRFM) Certification Programme, as well as a number of other fisheries standards and programmes. The company is independently managing the certification and assessment methodology that is used to assess and certify Icelandic fisheries. The certification body assesses fishery conformance to a standard based on the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) 2005 Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries – as extended in 2009.
Global Trust offers a comprehensive range of recognised and accredited certifications and standards services to international seafood businesses. Global Trust is not a standards owner nor is the Global Trust logo a specific eco-label. The company is an independent ISO accredited Certification body.
Based on the technical expertise required to carry out fishery assessment, a pool of competent and qualified assessors has been assembled to undertake audits for the Responsible Fisheries Management Certification of Icelandic fisheries: